not just a regular intuitive coach

Paul provides a range of professional services to meet your personal needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction. Led by Paul Cissell, spiritual intuitive coaching helps you change your life by changing the way you operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining your behaviours, habits, and goals. By delving into your deep rooted beliefs and your connection to the true nature of who you are, we aim to change the view of the world you operate in thus allowing you to become more than you are now.

Intuitive coaching is a type of coaching style that follows the same principles and teachings of traditional coaching, such as goal setting, working on habits and beliefs, but the difference is that intuitive coaches encourage you to connect to the deepest parts of yourself, guide you through your intuition and help you to tap into your own power and personal energy that we all feel the presence of.

Energy coaching

The laws of the universe are the key elements that take part in the intuitive coaching practice; they indicate that everything around us is energy. Therefore, this means that we, as human beings, are vibrating energy too – but on different frequency levels, depending on the emotions that we are feeling.

As Albert Einstein once said: “Everything is a vibration.” An intuitive coach makes you aware of your own energy fields and works with you on shifting your emotional states to bring you back into alignment with the source of energy: unlimited and unconditional love which, in turn, creates harmony in your life.

Law of attraction

One of the laws of the universe is the law of attraction: ‘like attracts like’, which in practice means that what we give out comes back to us. If we radiate positive energy, we will experience events of a similar vibration. If we radiate a negative one, we will see more negative things happen around us.

All our actions and emotions have a mirror effect in the universe and will be reflected in our lives in one way or another in the present or future.

A key area of intuitive coaching is tapping into your own energy and dispelling any blockages that may be stopping you from achieving your higher purpose.

Your higher purpose

Often, people come to coaching sessions to connect with their higher purpose. Your higher purpose represents living a life that is meaningful, connects with your core values, and ultimately fulfils you. You may already know what your higher purpose is, but different energies present blockages that prevent you from connecting with it.

Intuitive coaching goes much deeper into the source of a problem or challenge than traditional coaching, as it not only analyses your behaviours but also probes on a spiritual level.

You might come to coaching because you feel a little lost, you’re not sure where your life is going or you feel dissatisfied but nothing is actually wrong. Intuitive coaching makes you realise who you are in your core as a person, as a spiritual being, which further leads you to discover your true purpose in life. 

How can intuitive coaching help me?

Intuitive coaching enables you to answer some of the primary questions in life:

  • Why am I here?
  • Who do I want to become as a person in my lifetime?
  • What do I want to create?

Coaching can help you overcome those obstacles by guiding you to access your intuition.  So a coach helps you acknowledge thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs that have been keeping you from achieving what you truly desire. In intuitive coaching, it is likely you will have to confront the root cause of those blockages which can be difficult, but your coach is there to guide you in recognising your whole self.

Intuitive coaching is about teaching you to be whole and complete, and this can only be done from within oneself. Once we connect with our inner values, and determine our passions and true drive, we are able to seek abundance in all others areas of our lives, that ‘fill up our tank’ and that of those around us.

It has been said that only once you have found your purpose can you set fulfilling goals in any area of life. Your purpose is your drive, your motivator, your juice, your fuel, and will impact every single, little decision you make.

Intuitive coaching, therefore, can be highly transformational as it paves the way for a more intuitive, fulfilling life.

What is an intuitive business coach?

Sharing some similarities with a traditional business coach while both may look at setting goals and actions to help you achieve these, an intuitive business coach will keep spiritual inspiration at the centre of things. 

individual intuitive

learn how to keep peace
in your life

group workshops
for the business owner


Individual Coaching

A spiritual intuitive coach is a coach that helps you change your life by changing the way you operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining your behaviors, habits, and goals. Paul delves into your deep rooted beliefs and shows you how to work with the laws of the universe to get what you actually want out of life instead of just accepting whatever comes your way.

Intuitive coaching really does change people’s lives; it can help people improve their relationships, reach newer and bigger goals, achieve lifelong dreams, and discover new aspects of their personalities.

You will learn how to keep peace in your life even when you are surrounded by chaos, and you will deepen your sense of knowing what life and the universe is all about. You will be able to clear your mind and finally understand what you need to become happy, whole, and spiritually in-tune whilst holding onto a very physical life.

perfect for individuals


Group Workshops For The Business Owner

Sometimes, we seek out the aid of professionals who do not validate our sense of personal power and avoid the natural laws of universal law that govern us all, and a big part of us becomes lost.

These seminars are designed, not to show you how to run and improve your business, but to efficiently run and improve the power of your own mind so you become more than to are.

The seminar will give you a fuller, richer and a deeper meaning which strengthens the connection between you and your own inner wisdom. Being connected to your inner guidance will, in turn, lead you to live a life of understanding the laws of creating abundance in the workplace.

All smaller group seminars are held at the Challenge Enterprise Centre in Portsmouth in an environment designed to sooth the mind and relax your senses.

Perfect for small business owners
Up to 15 per group


Perfect for business owners
with groups over 20


Every challenge we face makes us stronger for tomorrow. The challenge of life is intended to make us better, not bitter.

REQUEST intuitive coaching

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