Terms and Conditions

Everybody’s session is different. Due to the findings during a session, Paul may tire or the reading may draw to a natural close ahead of time. Please arrive with an open mind and heart, as those who do, often have a very enjoyable and transformative session. On the rare occasion someone may come with an overly cynical mind towards the session or their expectation of what a reading might give them, may be too high. In both cases, the client may feel disappointed and the session may not flow.

Paul, through illness or an emergency has the right to change dates at the last minute. Should Paul have to change dates for any booking or group events, an alternative date will be offered. Should Paul have to cancel a reading or group event and you can’t make an alternative date, you will be entitled to a refund on your deposit if you had paid one.

Anyone who fails to turn up for an appointment, will lose their deposit if one has been paid. If you wish to arrange another private reading with Paul, we then have the right to ask for another non-refundable deposit to secure your session. Anyone who has paid in full for a private reading and fails to show without giving prior notice, could loose their deposit. Its important that if you do book a session with Paul and you’re unable to make that date and time, it is your responsibility to let us know as someone else could then be offered your appointment.

Please note: that you are booking a single appointment only, the exception will be Mum/Dad/Brother/Sister/Child/Husband/Wife/Committed Partner but no more than one other person with you and an extra charge may be added if you are adding an extra person to your booking once the original booking has been made.

For families who want to book together in one session, I recommend a 90 minute session where I would be happy to see 3 or 4 in the same appointment.

It is possible to book two sessions back to back but there may be a longer wait time.

Upon arrival, please walk straight into my office, please note that by arriving too early, I may not be in a position to see you as I may be still with another client. Please wait patiently or go to the business centre main reception if open.

Please be aware that the business centre and its staff are managed by Portsmouth City Council and are not responsible for any aspect of my work.

It is a legal requirement that a disclaimer is included on this website. In accordance with the law, I must inform you that you agree to receive a reading from Paul Cissell on the understanding that it is given for own research, spiritual and/or entertainment purposes only. The accuracy of any reading cannot be guaranteed. All and any information is given as guidance only and is subject to your own personal interpretation. Any decisions and/or choices you make based on this guidance, remain your sole personal and legal responsibility. If you require specific legal, financial, medical or other advice, you should seek a suitable licensed professional in one of these areas.

By scheduling and/or paying for any service offered through this site you are attesting that you have read this disclaimer and accept these terms of service. Thank you.

If you are not sure of anything, please just ask.